
Would you like to Become a Referral Agent?

  • Level up and partner with PaySciencx, a full stack, worldwide payments powerhouse.
  • We work with multiple banks to provide access to all verticals of merchant credit card processing. We issue VAR sheets for new MIDs to get merchants up and running and processing payments – fast!  
  • We are Resellers for many Gateways, such as PayArc,,, and FreedomPay, to ensure we can always serve the merchant’s tech integration needs and deploy their credentials quickly. 
  • We offer dynamic application submissions platforms, for electronic submission of new merchant applications. Qualified Referral Agents will also have direct access to our ISO Agent Portal, so you can download statements, review merchant activity, etc.
  • Send us your current Schedule A and we will go over it with you to show you exactly what rev share, basis points and cents you are paying to ensure doing business with us will put more profit in your pocket!
  • We provide the products, resources, and support. You make it happen.
  • We offer the highest rev share percentage and the lowest basis points and cents buyrates.  Move your merchants to our platform and create new profit overnight!